str·eiss [ˌstˈrhyss] [noun] the identity of the harbinger, wielder of the golden trumpet that signifies the end



NAME : Streiss Streusel
AGE : Unknown
DOB : 12/31/????
GENDER : Unknown
SPECIES : Kitsune
OCCUPATION : Magical Girl (Previously)


HAIR COLOR : Periwinkle
HEIGHT : 154cm
STYLE : Mischievous Spirit


There will always be someone unfortunate enough to get the ladder kicked out from under them. Streiss lived their life in a perpetual freefall, knocked around by the waves of circumstance in an ocean of uncertainty. They were a fragile being, unfit for the monumental task placed upon their shoulders.An unimpressive magical girl, a failure of a student, and unable to pick up the slack of their classmates. they were doomed from the start.

HER misfortune changed one day. upon a mission to take out a demon, the cunning creature promised the young magical girl everything they could have ever wanted. power, success, and adoration. for a price. all love bestowed upon them would be stolen from someone else. they would steal people's hearts in the most literal sense. and all souls, in return, would be fed to the restrospect, it wasn't a bad offer at all.and so their souls fused as one, and the protector of all things good became a vessel for exactly what they sought to destroy. a monster of failure.

.ONE. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. fusce semper porta dolor, nec tempor arcu sagittis eu. integer hendrerit vel quam quis faucibus..TWO. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. fusce semper porta dolor, nec tempor arcu sagittis eu. integer hendrerit vel quam quis faucibus..THREE. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. fusce semper porta dolor, nec tempor arcu sagittis eu. integer hendrerit vel quam quis faucibus.


.FOUR. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. fusce semper porta dolor, nec tempor arcu sagittis eu. integer hendrerit vel quam quis faucibus..FIVE. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. fusce semper porta dolor, nec tempor arcu sagittis eu. integer hendrerit vel quam quis faucibus..SIX. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. fusce semper porta dolor, nec tempor arcu sagittis eu. integer hendrerit vel quam quis faucibus.